Welcome to Nicotra Early College Charter School! This page serves as a place for everything that you need to know about your child coming to Nicotra Charter School for the 2022-2023 school year. Please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions that are not answered here.
We are located at 1441 South Ave. on the 5th floor of Corporate Commons 3. There are multiple entrances to the campus and the S46 bus line services our location. All students must take the stairs unless there is a doctors note provided.

Arrival and Dismissal
Students can arrive no earlier than 7:15 am. School officially starts at 8:00 am. Students dismiss at 2:31 pm on full days and at 11:58 pm on half days. Our arrival and dismissal procedures are the same. There is only one entrance to the school where all students enter and exit through.
Students that arrive by yellow bus will be dropped off directly in front of the school and picked up at the same spot.
Students that arrive on the city bus will arrive at the location and take the path below and follow the same path back to the stop during dismissal. Students that will be dropped off and picked up will be dropped off in the area below.

Our 2022-2023 bell schedule can be downloaded below:
Students will be served a “grab and go” breakfast daily, to be eaten during homeroom. Students will receive lunch daily.
Students are expected to be in uniform every day. Please communicate if there are any issues or complications as failure to comply with the uniform policy can lead to disciplinary actions.
Our 2022-2023 uniform policy can be downloaded below:
Supply List
Our 2022-2023 school supply list can be downloaded below:
After School Opportunities
Mondays will be designated tutoring/regent prep days. Wednesdays will be after school clubs. These days will not be in effect until the first week of October.
Grades and Grading Policy
Academic Calendar
Our 2022-2023 academic calendar can be downloaded below:
Nicotra uses the service ParentSquare for all communications. This service can be accessed through their website and through an app. We strongly recommend downloading the app. Through ParentSquare you can directly contact the school and your child’s teachers. You can also access updates that are regularly posted by the school.
Each student will be issued a chromebook. Students are wholly responsible for their computer which includes appropriate usage and damage. However, students will not be using chromebooks daily in class. They will be required to use these chromebooks during testing days intermittently throughout the year in addition to pre-determined days in some classes. Students will not be using their chromebooks to take notes during class.
In addition, cell phones are not permitted during instructional time. The expectations are that all cell phones are away and silenced. We understand the need for students to have a phone in case of an emergency. However, if you need to get in touch with your scholar, we kindly ask you to call the front desk to avoid disruption of the academic setting for your scholar and the scholars in their class.