They walked, they trembled, they made a difference! On Sunday, October 21st, ICS’s students and faculty took part in the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk on Midland Beach. Students from Lavelle Prep Charter School, New Ventures Charter School, and our newest member, Nicotra Early College Charter school braved the chilly weather and the harsh winds to walk for the cause.
Together, ICS raised over $700 for breast cancer research and awareness.
Students, faculty, and staff from ICS joined over 8,000 brave souls from all over Staten Island and helped raise over $518K for Making Strides Against Breast Cancer. Students participating in the walk received community service hours.
Principal Zaza of Nicotra Early College Charter School shared “At Nicotra, we believe, as Benjamin Franklin, that we must strive to do good and make the world a better place. Nicotra students exemplified this sentiment when they came together to ‘make strides against Breast Cancer’ on Sunda,y October 21. We are very proud of the students, families, and staff that came together for such an important cause!”