In light of yesterday’s mayoral announcement and the COVID-19 pandemic, beginning tomorrow, Monday 3/16, all ICS schools will be closed. We expect that our schools will re-open on Monday, April 20th. Students should NOT report to school.
Breakfast and lunch will be available for pick up Monday through Friday from 10-11 am at 1 Teleport Drive on the 3rd floor.
In an effort to ensure continued learning for ICS students, staff will be reporting for the next few days to plan and prepare for delivering effective remote learning opportunities for our students.
More information will follow shortly, and ongoing updates will be posted on social media, school websites, and via robocalls.
Please also routinely check our websites and social media accounts for at-home support strategies for distance learning.
All of us at ICS wish our families comfort and good health during these trying times. If there are any ways we may be able to assist you in this transition, please reach out to us.