For Immediate Release:
Press Contact: Mary Cottingham
Project Coordinator
Lavelle Prep and New Ventures Charter Schools
347-855-2238 EXT 359
[email protected]
SUBSTANCE USE, RECOVERY AND THE SCHOOLS will be the focus of Lavelle Prep and New Ventures’ 5th annual Futures of Education Luncheon. Keynote Speaker this year will be Emmy winning actress, addiction advocate and NY Times Best-Selling author of GUTS, Kristen Johnston.
STATEN ISLAND, NY – Lavelle Prep and New Ventures’ 5th annual Futures of Education luncheon will address substance use, recovery and the schools. Kicking off the discussion, will be a panel of educators and experts in the field of recovery; including: Michelle Lipinski, MEd, Principal, Northshore Recovery High School and Founder, icanhelp Program; Professor Bonnie Fritz, from the College of Staten Island and an Emerita professor for the counseling center at Georgia State University; Joe Shrank, an innovator in substance abuse recovery programs who established the first sober living facility in NYC and studied clinical social work at Iona College and the University of Illinois (Joe has been intoxicant free for 16 years) and Dr. Barbara McKeon, Head of School, Broome Street Academy Charter High School serving homeless/transitionally housed and foster care students.
Tickets to this event are $25 per person and must be purchased 5 days in advance. To purchase tickets, please visit: www.lavelleprep.org. Details for the luncheon are as follows:
Friday, November 13th at 1:00pm
Hilton Garden Inn
1100 South Ave, Staten Island, NY 10314
Box Lunch and beverage included
Lavelle Prep, New Ventures and SLAM (Sobriety, Learning and Motivation), joined forces one year ago with the goal of creating a school where students struggling with substance use and recovery can continue their education in a supportive environment. Ms. Johnston is the Executive Director & co-founder of SLAM. For over eight years, she and SLAM have been dedicated to eradicating the stigma that surrounds this disease, especially amongst teens. SLAM is committed to helping schools like Lavelle Prep and New Ventures support recovering high school students.