Self Soothe Skills
Distress Tolerance Self-Soothe skills use your five senses- vision, hearing, smell, taste and touch, plus movement , to be kind and gentle with yourself. These skills can help when you are […]
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Distress Tolerance Self-Soothe skills use your five senses- vision, hearing, smell, taste and touch, plus movement , to be kind and gentle with yourself. These skills can help when you are […]
Check out our latest Counseling Corner video!
We welcome ICS parents and guardians to join us for our bi-weekly meetings held by the counseling team in which families can get the support they need throughout remote learning! […]
The lovely faces of our 2020-2021 counseling team! We pride ourselves in the support our counselors offer our ICS students and families!
It’s Wellness Wednesday! As we near the end of the semester, it becomes easier to feel overwhelmed by the stress of final exams and due dates. In this week’s video, […]
This week, ICS Counselor Corner dedicates our Wellness Wednesday video to George Floyd, who was killed as a result of police brutality. As we continue to fight against racial injustice […]
It’s #WellnessWednesday! In this week’s video, our counselors demonstrate “riding the wave” of negative emotions that come and go. What mindfulness practices help you through difficult times?#ICSStrong #WeAreICS #ThisTooShallPass
When we continually butt heads with one another, it can be difficult to see the other person’s point of view. This week’s Counseling Corner video teaches how to create solutions […]
It can be easy to become overwhelmed, especially in uncertain times like these. In our latest video, the ICS Counseling Corner tackles the pressures of stress with a few simple […]